Open Dutch pronunciation workshop - the groundwork
We are kicking off a series of workshops revolving around the Dutch language. Our first step will be to address one of the most challenging aspects of learning Dutch: pronunciation, or shall we say uitspraak?
At this one hour face-to-face event we will be helping you lay the groundwork for your Dutch pronunciation. Every Dutch learner is welcome to attend, but you will make the most of the workshop if you have already grasped some basics, which will allow for putting the exercises in context.
Practical information:
WHEN: Wednesday 11th of September, 6.00-7.00 pm
WHERE: Kickstart School - Koninginnegracht 62, 2514 AG The Hague
FOR WHOM : adult Dutch learners
COSTS: Free of charge - registration required
Program of the workshop:
- Introduction
- Explanation/theory
- Putting theory into practice
- Q&A session
- Tips for further practice