Would you like your child to start reading Dutch books?
Age and ability are key to selecting the right course. We currently offer the Dutch Literacy Club to children aged 8-9
The course consists of guided reading wrapped in a variety of word games and speaking challenges. This Kids Club is dedicated to children who speak a fair amount of Dutch and who are ready to start reading Dutch in order to increase their literacy. At the end of 12 hours the children should be able to read an AVI 2/3 book.
In 60 minute lessons:
- The children get familiar with the Dutch language with the help of colorful illustrations which they have to describe.
- The children will play with a letter box and are trained how to connect sounds with letters.
- The children will make jig saws together and while doing so they are challenged to speak about it.
- A variety of quartet games will be played and by asking and answering questions the children will improve their language skills.
- The children will read stories out loud and be pushed to talk about what they have been reading.
- They children are being challenged to express themselves and to summarize stories that they have heard.
The curriculum has been developed with input from an experienced elementary school teacher who has worked with young children for many years. After the first 3 lessons, you will still have the option to opt-out. So why not give it a try?
Late enrollments are also accepted. The maximum group size will be 9 children.
Children can be dropped off and picked up from the school. However, it is also possible for the parent(s)/caregiver(s) to wait in a separate room at Kickstart, while children enjoy the Kickstart Dutch Literacy Club.
Would you like to register your children for the Dutch Literacy Club? Click on course options and register, then mention in the comments box how many children you would like to enroll, the name and date of birth of the children and when you would like them to start. If you are not sure which Kids Club would be best for them, please contact us to arrange an intake.
Overview - Kickstart Dutch Kids Club - Literacy II
Group size
Language during lesson
Dutch (English)
Duration per lesson
60 minutes
Course Length
8 to 12 lessons per term
Course Content and Learning Goals - Kickstart Dutch Kids Club - Literacy II
- Vocabulary expansion and focus on pronunciation
- Speaking, listening and reading are central
- Sentence structure and grammar are learned casually
- Discovering books in the Dutch language
- Gaining (and maintaining) fun with the Dutch language
- Increasing self-confidence
For more information on what is best for your child in your specific situation, please contact us by email, phone or through our registration/contact form.
Practical Information - Kickstart Kids Dutch Club - Literacy II
240 Euro for 12 lessons
Or a percentage of this for the remaining lessons until the end of term
Course materials
All course materials are included in the price.
Money back guarantee
Of course, we hope that you and the children are happy with the lessons. However, if it does not work out, it is still possible to opt out after 3 sessions. In that case, you can get a refund of the remaining course fee minus a 15 Euro administration fee.
It may also happen that we will advise you to follow a different trajectory with your child; if that’s not possible for any reason, you will receive a refund accordingly.
Would you like to register your child(ren)?
Click the button below view course options and register, then mention in the comments box how many children you would like to enroll, the name and age of the children, and when you would like them to start. We will then get back to you to confirm!
*Please note that if this is your child's first time at Kickstart School we may first schedule an intake and language assessment to ensure they are placed in the best course.
Next steps
These courses might be next:

Dutch for Kids & Teens