Benares School Fund Foundation (BSF) has been making education possible for casteless and underprivileged children in Varanasi, India, since 2003, and in the Indian city of Jaipur since 2011.
The children in Varanasi mostly come from families with incomes below the poverty line. They live in a poor neighborhood, without sanitation, and sometimes just on the streets. In Jaipur, the school supported by the foundation is just outside the city; children there come from the surrounding villages, where there are no schools.
The foundation supports five schools with the purchase of teaching materials, including computers, and with the salary costs and training of teachers. This enables these schools to offer free qualified education to the poorest children.
The foundation encourages the schools to pay attention to sports, music, dance and handicrafts. Life lessons are also given to the highest classes: about alcohol and drugs, about sex, about handling money, about problem solving, about respect.
Benares School Fund Foundation also supports motivated and carefully selected individual students. Selection criteria are parents' income, number of family members, motivation of child and parents, and preferably girls.
Regular sponsors in the Netherlands pay the school expenses of these students (€ 275): school fees, books, uniforms, possibly homework assistance, and tutoring.
With unexpected extra donations, the foundation provides the schools with extra facilities such as a library, subject classrooms for the higher grades, computer classes, and sports and game materials.
In the Netherlands, the foundation ensures a good network of donors and sponsors to guarantee the continuity of the work in India.
Every year, several board members visit India to maintain contacts, visit the schools, check the finances, and make new arrangements. The board members, all volunteers, do so at their own expense. The foundation has an overhead of just 2% on average. So practically all the money donated actually benefits the projects.
What are the options of sponsoring?
As a school sponsor
As a school sponsor
At Euro 23 a month (or Euro 275 a year) you provide a child with lessons, schoolbooks and school uniforms. If so desired, you annually receive a picture and the school report of the child you sponsor.
But you can also sponsor other parts of our work.
Make your own choice
As a (regular) donor
As a (regular) donor
Any other fixed annual sum or once-only donation is also used for the benefit of the education and the students. Thanks to single and once-only donations many additional projects have been realized in the past years.
Read more about sponsoring the Benares Schoolfund Foundation